Een onafhankelijke vereniging die kennis over, en dialoog met, China als doelstelling heeft.

31 juli 2024 – China Cafe: China’s vergrijzende bevolking

Stadsbrasserie De Utrechter, Vredenburg 40, 3511 BD Utrecht Vredenburg 40, Utrecht, Nederland

China’s vergrijzende bevolking: wat zijn de vooruitzichten en wat wordt eraan gedaan? Met gastspreker Henk Schulte Nordholt en Thijs de Blok


THE DUTCH CULTURE CHALLENGE. This fun and informative business game, leads you across everything you need to know about performing well when working with the Dutch. Success is guaranteed! Because your reward is a fresh set of business and communication skills, so needed when working with the Dutch!The Netherlands is a small, stable and prosperous […]


30 sep 2024 – CHINA CAFE, The latest ins- and outs on Intellectual property rights in China

Welcome to the China Café!Since 2007, the place where professionals who work with China on a daily basis meet and share knowledge. In this edition we will zoom in on Intellectual property rights in China.Western entrepreneurs often criticize the protection of intellectual property in China. What is justified and what is not? What are the […]

€7.50 – €12.50